The craziness of last week continued... I tell you a bit more about it at the beginning of this episode.
To get to the good stuff, keep listening, as I share my insights from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, and how you can use these principles to build good health habits that you will stick too. Cause lets face it, we've all had good intentions to make a change, but then weeks later the motivation dries up and we are back at square one. Building habits are vital and will stop any yo-yoing you are currently doing, or have done in the past.
As always, please do share this episode with family, friends and anyone who you feel might benefit, or might simply just enjoy listening to some health and wellness info.
DM me on instagram your ah-ha moments and thoughts at @sophie.mcdermott
Make yourself a priority 💕
Sophie x
The craziness of last week continued... I tell you a bit more about it at the beginning of this episode.
To get to the good stuff, keep listening, as I share my insights from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, and how you can use these principles to build good health habits that you will stick too. Cause lets face it, we've all had good intentions to make a change, but then weeks later the motivation dries up and we are back at square one. Building habits are vital and will stop any yo-yoing you are currently doing, or have done in the past.
As always, please do share this episode with family, friends and anyone who you feel might benefit, or might simply just enjoy listening to some health and wellness info.
DM me on instagram your ah-ha moments and thoughts at @sophie.mcdermott
Make yourself a priority 💕
Sophie x