Beyond the Adjustment
Follow on instagram: @sophie.mcdermott and @summitchiroclinics
Join Sophie McDermott, a busy Mum of 3, wife, business owner and Doctor of Chiropractic, as she shares everything health and wellness related, whilst on her own personal journey. "Together, let’s get healthy and fall in love with the process". Make yourself a priority 💕 Subscribe to support the podcast and enjoy free weekly podcasts.
Beyond the Adjustment
25. ‘I’m going on a diet’
How many times are you going to say the magical words ‘I’m going on a diet’. Hats off if dieting has worked for you!
The research shows, (yes I looked it up after I recorded this haha), varying results from 20% to as little as 0.1% actually keeping weight off after dieting.
So why not change what the word diet means to you? I hope I got the message across in my ramblings. This one change can make the process so much easier for you to be and stay healthy.
Come hang out with me on instagram @sophie.mcdermott …even if you just want to spy on my Christmas tree!
Thank you for listening.
Make yourself a priority 💕
Sophie x