Beyond the Adjustment
Follow on instagram: @sophie.mcdermott and @summitchiroclinics
Join Sophie McDermott, a busy Mum of 3, wife, business owner and Doctor of Chiropractic, as she shares everything health and wellness related, whilst on her own personal journey. "Together, let’s get healthy and fall in love with the process". Make yourself a priority 💕 Subscribe to support the podcast and enjoy free weekly podcasts.
Beyond the Adjustment
42. How the 3Ms Method Can Transform Your Health
People keep saying to me: 'Sophie, you've changed!'
What is it you are doing to allow yourself to feel your best on the inside and out?
There is a glow, an aura, a different energy about you...
It has been hard to put it all into words but today I've done just that, I've explained it all and simplified it into my 3Ms method. Tune in to find out exactly what this is and how you can transform your health too.
Reach out to me on instagram @sophie.mcdermott or you can email me at sophiemcdermott.health@gmail.com
Make yourself a priority 🤍
Sophie x